Club DJ is our mid-week children's program.
Age 4 - Grade 6
Cost: $75 per child
Club DJ is a super fun time for kids to learn about the Bible, through Bible stories, quizzing, take home lessons and Sword Drills (learning the BIble). We have several fun events during the year as well.
Typically, there are 4 stations each child will go to throughout the evening. Bible Story, Quzzing, Sword Drills and Craft.
The take home lessons correspond to the Bible Story that was told to them during the evening. When the kids come to Club DJ the following week, they will "check-in" at a table according to their grade. They will show the adult manning the table if their lesson is done and if they have their Bible verse memorized for the week. Kids can collect coins through the year and get prizes near the end of the year.
If you have any questions, please contact Carrie Porter in the church office at